Current import quotas limit the amount of tariff-free sugar the food companies can import in a given year, except from Mexico, suppressing supplies from major producers such as Brazil, the paper said. 信中说道,目前的进口限额限制了食品公司在一个计算年中进口的免税糖的量,除墨西哥外,抑制主要的供应国巴西。
Article 30 The import business operators shall present its certificate of tariff quotas issued by the administrative departments of import tariff quotas to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration and examination of the goods within the tariff quotas. 第三十条进口经营者凭进口配额管理部门发放的关税配额证明,向海关办理关税配额内货物的报关验放手续。
The documents requested by the administrative departments of import quotas for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle, immaterial mistakes or errors. 进口配额管理部门要求关税配额申请人提交的文件,应当限于为保证实施关税配额管理所必需的文件和资料,不得仅因细微的、非实质性的错讹拒绝接受关税配额申请。
Over the decade, we have completely fulfilled our commitments by gradually lowering tariffs on imported goods, abolishing all import quotas, licenses and other non-tariff measures, liberalizing access to foreign trade operation, and substantially reducing the threshold for foreign investment. 10年来,我们全面履行诺言,逐步降低进口产品的关税税率,取消所有进口配额、许可证等非关税措施,全面放开对外贸易经营权,大幅降低外资准入门槛。
Feed mills have been importing cheaper alternatives, including sorghum and barley, which are also not subject to official import quotas. 为此,中国饲料厂一直在进口高粱和大麦等廉价替代品。大麦也是一种不受官方进口配额限制的农产品。
Mills may choose to import without quotas if international prices are low enough to make it profitable after a 40 per cent tax on non-quota imports. 纺织厂仍可能选择在没有配额的情况下进口棉花,前提是国际棉价足够低,使得无配额进口在缴付40%的税后仍可盈利。
The European Union set import quotas and minimum prices for Chinese panels last year. 去年,欧盟也针对中国太阳能电池板设定了进口配额和最低价格。
Yet countries varied significantly in the extent to which they increased tariffs and imposed import quotas. 然而不同国家之间对关税的设定以及对贸易的限额都不一样。
If the circumstances is serious, the production or import quotas may be revoked by the competent administrative department under the state council. 情节严重的,由国务院有关行政主管部门取消生产、进口配额。
The new protection has also extended to primary products with the United States raising its sugar tariff and tightening its beef import quotas. 由于美国提高食糖的关税率并缩减牛肉的进口配额,新的贸易保护政策也就扩大到初级产品上来了。
The existence of divergent national or regional standards can create technical barriers to trade, even when there is political agreement to do away with restrictive import quotas and the like. 当地方标准和国际标准发生分歧时,它将阻碍贸易的发展,甚至于当官方已废除配额出口的时候也如此。
Among the developed markets japan's textiles and clothing imports are the most concentrated on China due both to geographic proximity and the absence of import quotas in the recent past. 在发达国家市场中日本纺织品和服装进口最主要集中在中国,这归因于地缘优势和过去的几年没有进口限额。
It has agreed to slash tariffs and to eliminate import quotas, to dismantle export subsidies, and to open service industries to foreign competition. 中国同意降低关税和取消进口配额、取消出口补贴,并对外开放服务业的竞争。
Statement of a US copper mining company: Import quotas should be imposed on the less expensive copper mined outside the country to maintain price of copper in this country; 一家美国铜矿公司的观点:从国外进口便宜的铜矿应该加上进口配额,这样才可以维持国内铜矿的(正常)价格。
The government slapped import quotas on foreign cars. 政府对外国汽车强制实行进口限额。
They resorted to tariffs and import quotas. 它们诉诸于关税和进口配额。
A nation can restrict trade through import tariffs, quotas and embargoes, and exchange controls. 一个国家可以通过进口关税、贸易限额、贸易禁运和外汇管制来限制国家贸易。
The rapid increase of imports of Chinese textiles into the EU led to the Union activating import quotas set in the liberalization agreement the market signed with China. 为了应对中国纺织品进口的快速增长,欧盟对市场实施了进口限额。
The corresponding import tax items, tariff serial numbers and applicable tax rates for agricultural goods subject to the administration of import tariff quotas shall be promulgated separately. 实施关税配额管理农产品相应的进口税目、税则号列及适用税率另行公布。
The US lacks the industrial, currency intervention and interest-rate management policies available to the main trade-surplus countries, and so will be forced to use other forms of trade protection tariffs and import quotas. 美国缺乏主要贸易顺差国家拥有的产业、汇率干涉及利率调控政策,因此会被迫运用其它形式的贸易保护措施关税和进口配额。
Import quotas are sometimes dressed up as voluntary export restraint agreements between exporting and importing countries. 进口配额有时被装扮成出口国和进口国达成的自愿出口限制协议。
Permission to invest, import licences, quotas and tariff rate quotas would be granted without regard to the existence of competing Chinese domestic suppliers. 投资许可、进口许可证、酪额和关税配额的给予应不考虑是否存在与之竞争的中国国内供应商。
The central government at Nanking had allowed the Northeast no import quotas and all produce came from ports below the Wall with consequent high extra transport charges. 南京中央政府不给东北分配进口份额,进口商品都得从关内口岸转运来,要多付很大一笔转运费。
With the abolition of import quotas, Chinese garment enterprises are facing unprecedented opportunities for development. 随着进口配额的取消,中国服装企业面临前所未有的发展机遇。
These were also the countries that were most likely to resort to what the authors call the "second-best" adjustment mechanisms tariffs, import quotas, exchange controls, and so on. 这些国家还最有可能诉诸于作者称之为“次佳”的调整机制关税、进口配额、外汇管控等等。
We should have called for protective taxes and import quotas to help the American industries by keeping Japanese products out of the United States. 我们应当呼吁保护税和进口配额制度,通过阻止日本货进入美国来帮助美国工业。
Partial Removal of Import Licenses/ Quotas on MMF Fabrics& Apparels 我国取消部分化纤原料面料及服装进口许可证和配额
What WTO brings to Chinese car market is lower tariff rates, more import quotas, less restrictions on foreign investment and fairer market competitions. In other words, a completely open market will occur in due time. 入世给中国轿车市场带来的是更低的关税,更多的进口配额,更少的投资限制以及更公平的市场竞争,即最终一个完全开放的市场。
Oil of import quotas have established by the two oil companies: CNPC and SINOPEC. 原油的进口配额主要有国资委指定两家石油企业承担。